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Mesothelioma News

Pittsburgh Corning Asbestos Trust & Exposure Company History The Pittsburgh Corning Asbestos Trust was established to help victims of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma obtain compensation. Pittsburgh Corning was founded in 1937 following a merger of two established glass making companies, Corning Glass Works and Pittsburgh Plate Glass...

Owens Corning Asbestos Trust & Exposure The Owens-Corning Corporation is a large company that develops and produces insulation, roofing tiles, and fiberglass composites. Get Help Now with Owens Corning Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust If you or a loved one worked at this corporation and has been diagnosed with mesothelioma...

Mesothelioma Compensation and Financial Assistance After filing a mesothelioma claim, compensation may be awarded after the court trial. Mesothelioma compensation can be distributed in several different ways including trust funds. Amount of compensation The amount of compensation that can be awarded to a person differs with each...

Asbestos, a string-like fiber, is a substance that is mined and utilized for many purposes. According to 2017 CDC data, it has been linked to mesothelioma – a rare disease which causes about 3,000 deaths annually. Although the widespread use of asbestos within building products (including...

Mesothelioma and Its Immunotherapy Advances Mesothelioma treatment plans based on immunotherapy are giving new hope to mesothelioma patients worldwide. Some recent clinical trials suggest that immunotherapy can be more effective and provide better results when compared with standard mesothelioma chemotherapy treatment plans. Of course, immunotherapy is an...